Digital kitchen weighing scale interface for Arduino
- Intro
- Arduino scale output to the screen
- Kitchen weighing scale electronics
- Interface hardware
- Calibration
- Taring
- Auto zero
- Customizing the scale
- Digital scale accuracy issues
- Software
- Digital kitchen scale calibration
- Suitable weighing scales
- Scale interface main program
- Scale class header
- Scale class cpp file
For a hub motor test stand, I needed a weighing scale which can be read out by a computer. Therefore I developed an interface program for the Arduino to read out the scale. There is no additional electronics needed, just two wires between the internal scale electronics and the Arduino.
Kitchen scale with interface cable
Arduino scale output to the screen
Tare . done
Kitchen weighing scale electronics
A digital scale consists of a load-cell, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a processor and a LCD display. The scale electronics will be left intact. The electronics of the scale that I used has a dual-slope integrating ADC that has been built with some integrated circuits. This dual slope ADC has a 5V digital PWM output signal that can easily be converted by the Arduino to the weight in grams. The PWM signal is taken from pin PA2, see the image.
Digital kitchen weighing scale electronics
Kitchen scale dual slope ADC signal
Kitchen scale output PWM signal 5V 20ms
Interface hardware
I have not investigated if any scale can be used, because we need a PWM output signal. We use an Arduino with USB connection, such as the Arduino Uno or a Nano. Connect the digital scale PWM signal with the Arduino interrupt pin d3. It is wise to have a 10kΩ resistor in series with the PWM signal.
The interface must first be calibrated. Take the gain = 1 and offset = 0. Measure different weights and load the values in Excel. Now the conversion value (gain) can be read from the chart formula, see the example. The gain is 0.0378, which has to be filled into the library.
Scale interface calibration with Excel
After switch on, the Arduino automatically determines the offset, this is called taring.
Auto zero
Because of electronic drift, scales will fluctuate slightly from zero when nothing is on the tray. In order to correct this, an auto-zero function keeps the scale display at zero if the weight is between about -2 and 2 grams.
A drawback is that no weight can be measured of a few grams, but a kitchen scale is not meant for this too. Since the scale does not know the difference between electronic drift or a real weight of 2 gram, a weight of 2 gram will be displayed as 0 grams. See the links below for common scale accuracy problems. The drift nulling function can be disabled: scale.getWeight(0);
inline void Scale::calcDrift()
{ if(nonzeroed > -3 & nonzeroed < 3)
{ if(gram < -0.5) drift -= 0.2; // correct drift slowly
if(gram > +0.5) drift += 0.2;
Customizing the scale
The Arduino scale interface has the advantage that the software can be customized. This creates interesting possibilities. You can for instance disable the auto zero function, perform automatic statistical analysis or try to improve the scale accuracy.
Digital scale accuracy issues
For the latest software you can ask me. The scale interface uses the library FreqPeriodCounter, see HERE. For troubleshooting see HERE.
Digital kitchen scale calibration
A kitchen scale can easily be calibrated by weighing for example 3 pounds of oranges in a grocery store. Assuming the shop scale is calibrated well, you can calibrate the kitchen scale with the oranges. You need to adjust the value const float gain in scale.cpp. The accuracy then becomes about 0.2%. My Arduino interface follows the scale over the entire range from 0 to 3000 grams with a maximum deviation of about 2 grams.
Suitable weighing scales
Not all digital weighing scales may be suitable, it is important that the electronic is not completely sealed. My scale is no longer available, who has recently purchased a suitable scale?
Scale interface main program
#include <Streaming.h>
#include <Scale.h>
#include <FreqPeriodCounter.h>
const byte scalePin = 3;
const byte scaleInterrupt = 1; // is pin 3 too
#define LCDupdate_ms 500
Scale scale(scalePin);
void setup()
{ Serial.begin(9600);
attachInterrupt(scaleInterrupt, scaleISR, CHANGE);
Serial << "Push scale tare button ";
while(!scale.tare()) Serial << ".";
Serial << " done";
void loop(void)
{ static unsigned long lastLCDms;
if(millis() - lastLCDms > LCDupdate_ms)
{ lastLCDms = millis();
Serial << endl << _FLOAT(scale.gram, 0); // todo -0 -> 0
void scaleISR()
{ scale.getWeight(1);
Scale class header
Scale interface
Version 11-8-2012
Copyright (C) 2011 Albert van Dalen
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
#ifndef SCALE_H
#define SCALE_H
#include <FreqPeriodCounter.h>
class Scale : public FreqPeriodCounter
Scale(byte scalePin);
bool tare(); // inline public member function is not allowed at new Arduino versions
void getWeight(bool doAutoZero);
float gramAverage, gram, nonzeroed, drift;
inline void calcDrift();
inline void calcAverage();
long offset;
byte scalePin;
Scale class cpp file
Scale interface
Version 11-8-2012
Copyright (C) 2011 Albert van Dalen
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
#include "Scale.h"
const float gain = 0.03769; // calibrate with Excel trendline formula with gain=1, offsetet=0
const int filter = 2;
// Compile time calculations
const int maxOffsetsDifference = 1/gain; // maxOffsetsDifference = 1 gram
Scale::Scale(byte scalePin):
scalePin (scalePin), gramAverage(0), gram (0), nonzeroed(0), drift(0), offset(0), FreqPeriodCounter(scalePin, micros, 0)
bool Scale::tare()
{ const int measurements=5;
offset = 0;
long offsets[measurements];
for(int i=0; i<measurements; i++)
{ while(!ready());
offsets[i] = period;
offset += period;
offset /= measurements;
for(int i=0; i<measurements; i++) if(abs(offsets[i] - offset) > maxOffsetsDifference) return false; // only use equal values
delay(3000); // todo, avoid negative begin values but way?
return true;
void Scale::getWeight(bool doAutoZero)
{ poll();
nonzeroed = gain * ((long)period - offset);
gram = nonzeroed - drift;
if(doAutoZero) calcDrift(); // else drift = 0
void Scale::calcDrift()
{ if(nonzeroed > -3 & nonzeroed < 3)
{ if(gram < -0.5) drift -= 0.2; // correct drift slowly
if(gram > +0.5) drift += 0.2;
inline void Scale::calcAverage()
{ gramAverage = (gramAverage * (filter-1) + gram) / filter;