SAM 15x15 package installation
To use new Arduino boards, we first have to install an appropriate package, which describes the processor and pins.
The SAM 15x15 is an expansion of the Arduino Zero board; therefore, install the Arduino Zero package first.
Note that the bootloader has nothing to do with the package file for the pin definitions.
Arduino Zero package installation
See the for new releases: press "tags" in the master / branch / tags menu on GitHub.
It is possible to install just the Arduino Zero package, the SAM 15x15 then works as the Arduino Zero, but the extra pins of the SAM 15x15 will not be available.
- Select Tools > Boards "..." > Boards Manager...
- Select "Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+)"
- Select version 1.6.8 with the small "Select version" box, see the image below.
- Than click on Install
SAM 15x15 package installation
- Select File>Preferences.
- Fill in after Additional Boards Manager URLs:
- Install the SAM 15x15 package, the procedure is the same as for the Arduino Zero package.
- Ignore the warning "Non trusted contribution..."
- Plug in the SAM 15x15 board.
- If occurs, ignore the message "Install this package to use your Arduino/Genuine Zero board"
- Select Tools>Board> select SAMD21 (was SAM 15x15)
- Select Tools>Port and select the correct COM port, for instance COM5 (Arduino/Genuine Zero (Native USB Port))
The installation is finished now, you can upload and debug your sketch.
The package location is here: C:\Users\ yourname \AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\
Sam.h error message
I received the error message: "fatal error: sam.h: No such file or directory" after I also installed also other packages. The solution is:
Select Tools> Boards "..."> Boards Manager ... remove the package "Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bit ARM Cortex-M0 +)", and install it again.
The SAM 15x15 package works fine for the package version 1.6.8. I experienced that after an Arduino-Zero package update, some SAM 15x15 pin functions didn't work properly anymore. It was a day's work to change the SAM 15x15 package, all pin functions had to be tested again. I don't have time to repeat this for every Arduino package update, so use the package version 1.6.8.