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Arduino reflow-oven / hot-plate controller

Published: 30 November 2019
Last updated: 04 January 2023

I don't have time, who wants to finish this?

Because the UPC board can measure temperature with a thermocouple, it can very well be used as a hot-plate or reflow-oven controller.
By the way, I prefer a hot-plate because you can rearrange the SMD components during soldering, which is often necessary.

SMD reflow hot plate with Arduino controllerSMD reflow hot plate with Arduino controller
Arduino reflow oven controller

Arduino reflow oven controller
You only need an extra (low-cost €5) MAX6675 thermocouple board:

MAX6675 thermocouple breakout MAX6675 thermocouple breakout

I haven't had time for the software yet, but there are several open source programs available. The 0xPIT / reflowOvenController on GitHub is very suitable because it also uses a TFT display. I think that only a small change is needed to make it suitable for the UPC board.