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Four quadrants MOSFET graph

Published: 12 April 2011
Last updated: 05 January 2023

A MOSFET graph has 4 quadrants (not just one)

Low loss ideal diode circuits use MOSFETs in opposite direction to create the ideal diode. Here we must know that, in contrast to bipolar transistors, MOSFETs conduct in two directions. Nevertheless it is weird that only one quadrant is shown at the manufacturers MOSFET characteristic curves. I haven’t found four quadrants MOSFET graphs, so I have done measurements and created such a chart myself. Note that in the reverse direction the body diode is active.

Here is a 4 quadrants graph of an IRFP140 MOSFET:

4 quadrants N channel MOSFET graph characteristic curve4 quadrants N channel MOSFET graph characteristic curve

Ideal diode circuit example

There are many components available to create ideal diodes. To find applications Google “ideal diodes ic”.

LTC4352 ideal diode controller circuitLTC4352 ideal diode controller circuit

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